Error in effect.default…argument “offset” is missing, with no default

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Error in effect.default…argument “offset” is missing, with no default

I'm looking to plot the effects for a TOBIT regression model at -1SD and +1SD using a bar graph. I would normally use a line graph, but my co-authors have asked for a bar graph instead. I have had some help identifying what I should do here, but I am getting an error that no one seems to be able to figure out.

Creating dataframe - this runs fine.

tobitforgraph <- survreg(Surv(S1, S2, type='right') ~ +(Var1centered)*Var2centered*Var3standardized,data=Datafilename, dist='gaussian', robust=TRUE))

Load effects library.


Extract values for plotting (the values coming from here are then supposed to be used to plot as normal in Excel, although there may be a way to do it in R; regardless, this is where I am getting an error).

print((intplot<< Effect(c("Var1centered","Var3standardized"),mod=tobitforgraph,xlevels=list(Var1centered=c(-.4987531,.5012469),Var3standardized=c(-1.0,1.0), data=subset(Datafilename, Var4==-0.5025))))))

Error that comes from this value extraction:

Error in Effect.default(c("Var1centered", "Var3standardized"), mod = tobitforgraph, :
argument "offset" is missing, with no default

Welcome to SO! The print call with an attribution (intplot <- ) is a bit odd. Could you dput(tobitforgraph) and post the result here, so it'd be reproducible?
– csgroen
Mar 23 at 19:15



@csgroen Thank you for the welcome and for the response! I've run it and have the data, although it's too long to fit in a comment here. I'll see if there's a way to post that condensed, or else will post in multiple comments.
– J. Smith
Mar 23 at 19:36

Maybe dput(head(tobitforgraph))
– csgroen
Mar 23 at 19:41


That's better, although still 10,000 characters over limit (yikes!).
– J. Smith
Mar 23 at 19:45

How about dput(head(Datafilename))?
– csgroen
Mar 23 at 19:48


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