spaces on mail body when we Open gmail app from iOS url schemes
spaces on mail body when we Open gmail app from iOS url schemes Is it possible to provide spaces or new line or line breaks on gmail compose on URL schemes. I tried both /n or stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding , but space or lines breaks are not reflecting. /n stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding googlegmail:///co?subject=subject&body= "nnn textfirstname" googlegmail:///co?subject=subject&body= "nnn textfirstname" Use HTML email body and a <a href="googlegmail:....">Whateverntextnyounwant</a> . – rmaddy Jun 30 at 19:33 <a href="googlegmail:....">Whateverntextnyounwant</a> 1 Answer 1 This is not an issue with iOS or url-scheme. You need to use html tag to set new line. F...