Why Retrofit Authenticator does not refresh token?

Why Retrofit Authenticator does not refresh token?

I am building an app with Retrofit , Dagger etc. and using Authenticator to refresh the token. I have set the token expiry time to 1 minute just to see if the Authenticator is triggered and it's not.

Below is my Authenticator implementation

public class TokenAuthenticator implements Authenticator {

private ServiceManagerHolder serviceHolder;

public TokenAuthenticator(@NonNull ServiceManagerHolder serviceHolder) {


public Request authenticate(Route route, Response response) throws IOException {
if(serviceHolder.serviceManager() ==null)
return null;

if(response.code()==401) {
Request request = response.request();
.enqueue(new Callback<GetTokenResponse>() {
public void onResponse(Call<GetTokenResponse> call, retrofit2.Response<GetTokenResponse> response) {
Log.e("Authenticator refreshing token :::", "In progress");
//code to save the token
request.newBuilder().header("Authorization", "Bearer " + newAccessToken);

public void onFailure(Call<GetTokenResponse> call, Throwable t) {
Log.e("Error refreshing token",t.getMessage());
return response.request();
return response.request();

Service holder here is a reference to the webservices implementation class

Any ideas what i'm doing wrong ?

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