Laravel morphedByMany where condition and count

Laravel morphedByMany where condition and count

I have two tables: Posts and Pages that share one table for tags (morphToMany).

My tables and relations:

Table: Tags
id, name

public function posts()
return $this->morphedByMany('AppPost', 'taggable');
public function pages()
return $this->morphedByMany('AppPage', 'taggable');

Table: Posts
id, name, active

public function tags()
return $this->morphToMany('AppTag', 'taggable');

Table: Pages
id, name, active

public function tags()
return $this->morphToMany('AppTag', 'taggable');

How can I get all tags and count from both tables where and

I tried this query but this query returns only tags that are in both models:

Tag::whereHas("posts", function($q) {

$q->where("", "=", 1);

})->whereHas("pages", function($q) {

$q->where("", "=", 1);


I need a query that can return tag if exists in one of the models but where active = 1.

1 Answer

You can try it

$tags = Tag::where( function( $query ){
$query->whereHas('posts', function ( $subquery ){
$subquery->where('active', 1 );
->orWhereHas('pages',function ( $subquery ){
$subquery->where('active', 1 );

thnx bro your legend. i use like this: Tag Name - ((($tag- >posts_count+$tag->pages_count) ? is there a way to sum both counts from query or Iam doing it right?
– RednBlack
Jul 1 at 1:54

glad it works, and that is fine be simple
– rkj
Jul 1 at 4:05

OK. Thank you very much.
– RednBlack
Jul 1 at 23:24

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