Get the uiSegmentControl value for edit
Get the uiSegmentControl value for edit
i have a segment control to define the difficulty level for the preparation a recipe. I need to load the value assign at one recipe that I won't to edit it. The follow the code:
@IBOutlet var segNewDifficultyLevel: UISegmentedControl!
@IBOutlet var ingredientTableView: UITableView!
@IBOutlet var directionTableView: UITableView!
weak var delegate: AddNewRecipeViewControllerDelegate?
// MARK: - Variabili Globali
var editRecipe: RecipeModel!
var difficultyLevel: String!
var ingredients: [IngredientModel] =
var directions: [DirectionModel] =
This code is in the viewDidLoad:
if let editToRecipe = editRecipe {
title = "Edit Recipe"
// Load data from Recipe Detail into editRecipe
viewImageNewRecipe.image = editToRecipe.imageRecipe
fieldNewRecipeName.text = editToRecipe.nameRecipe
fieldNewQuantityFor.text = editToRecipe.quantityRecipe
fieldNewPrepareTime.text = editToRecipe.preparationTime
fieldNewCookingTime.text = editToRecipe.cookingTime
fieldNewBakingTemp.text = editToRecipe.bakingTempRecipe
/* Load the Difficulty Level selected in the recipe */
segNewDifficultyLevel.selectedSegmentIndex = ???
Anybody can help me please?
Thx a lot!!!
Model Class of Recipe:
class RecipeModel: NSObject, NSCoding
var nameRecipe: String
var quantityRecipe: String
var recipeTime: String
var preparationTime: String
var cookingTime: String
var bakingTempRecipe: String
var difficultyLevelRecipe: String
var imageRecipe: UIImage
var ingredients: [IngredientModel]
var directions: [DirectionModel]
var recipeTimeInt: Int
var sumRecipeTime: Int = Int(recipeTime)!
sumRecipeTime = Int(preparationTime)! + Int(cookingTime)!
return sumRecipeTime
init(nameRecipe: String, quantityRecipe: String, recipeTime: String, preparationTime: String, cookingTime: String, bakingTempRecipe: String, difficultyLevelRecipe: String, imageRecipe: UIImage, ingredients: [IngredientModel], directions: [DirectionModel]) {
self.nameRecipe = nameRecipe
self.quantityRecipe = quantityRecipe
self.recipeTime = recipeTime
self.preparationTime = preparationTime
self.cookingTime = cookingTime
self.bakingTempRecipe = bakingTempRecipe
self.difficultyLevelRecipe = difficultyLevelRecipe
self.imageRecipe = imageRecipe
self.ingredients = ingredients
self.directions = directions
Add Model Class. Thx for your attention...
– Davide
Jun 30 at 18:50
1 Answer
If you are getting index as string in you difficultyLevelRecipe
then you can convert it to Int
as set for selectedSegmentIndex
like as below:
segNewDifficultyLevel.selectedSegmentIndex = Int(editToRecipe.difficultyLevelRecipe)
But, If you getting some other value like as value/name of difficultyLevelRecipe
then you need to setup it based on value/name available in segNewDifficultyLevel
. You need to manage it based on condition by comparing name of segment and your difficultyLevelRecipe
I hope you have clear idea and understand what to do.
Thank you @Sagar, tomorrow i try your suggestion!
– Davide
Jun 30 at 21:27
Sorry @Sagar, your solution crash my app ... i’m search another solution...
– Davide
2 days ago
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can you share the model class / struct of Recipe ?
Jun 30 at 18:42