Await not awaiting
Await not awaiting
I am getting started with both MathJax and using await where I am formatting a series of lines which can contain math. The math is denoted by the delimiters $...$
Problem: I need to wait for MathJax to complete its conversion (I do get some sort of html output) however the conversion is not waiting and the rest of format()
is executing. Part of my code is modeled after the answer given in this question.
function MJ(math) {
// as per the documentation, this returns a promise if no callback is set
return mathjax.typeset({
math: math,
format: "inline-TeX",
html: true,
async function convert(line) {
var re = /$(.*?)$/;
var match = re.exec(line)[0];
var math = match.slice(1, -1);
// let result = await MJ(math).then(function(data){return line.replace(match,data.html);});
// return result;
let result = await MJ(math);
console.log(`MJ is ready: ${result.html}`);
return line.replace(match, result.html);
function format(line) {
line = convert(line).then( function(result) {
return result;
// additional formatting going below that needs to wait for the mathjax conversion
Error output (partially truncated)
(node:17104) DeprecationWarning: Mongoose: mpromise (mongoose's default promise
library) is deprecated, plug in your own promise library instead: http://mongoos
Promise { <pending> }
TypeError: line.indexOf is not a function
at emphasis (C:somethingroutesindex.js:91:18)
at format (C:somethingroutesindex.js:139:12)
at C:somethingroutesindex.js:803:25
at newTickHandler (C:somethingnode_modulesm
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7)
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:218:9)
MJ is ready: <span class="mjx-chtml"><span class="mjx-math" etc.
<span class="mjx-chtml"><span class="mjx-math" etc.
Where format(lines[x]) is being called
Warning: not the prettiest code. Without going into too much detail I have "Modules" which consist of "Snippets" which contain text which I need to group together to form one coherent text.
lines[x] consists of strings that may look like this: "Einstein showed that $E = mc^2$."
app.get('/flashcards/module/:id', isAuthenticated, function(req, res){
var moduleid = new ObjectId(;
var user = new ObjectId(req.session.user);
var categoryid = new ObjectId(req.query.categoryid);
var back = "";
var html, lines;
var index = 0;
var indexoflastline = 0;
var active = false;
var moduletitle = "";
Modules.findOne( { _id: moduleid } )
.then(function(module) {
moduletitle = module.title;
return Snippets.find( { _id: module.snippets } ).sort({order: 1})
for (var i = 0; i < snippets.length; i++) {
if(snippets[i].suppresstext == true) {
html = "<ul>";
for(var i = 0; i < snippets.length; i++) {
if(i==0) {
lines = snippets[i].main.split('n').clean('');
for(var x = 0; x < lines.length; x++){
if(checkindex(lines[x])==indexoflastline) {
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
} else if (checkindex(lines[x])>indexoflastline) {
html += "<ul>";
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
indexoflastline += 1;
} else if (checkindex(lines[x])<indexoflastline){
html += "</ul>".repeat(indexoflastline-checkindex(lines[x]));
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
indexoflastline -= indexoflastline-checkindex(lines[x]);
indexoflastline = -1;
html += "</ul>".repeat(indexoflastline+1);
lines = snippets[i].main.split('n').clean('');
if(lines) {
for(var x = 0; x < lines.length; x++){
if(checkindex(lines[x])==indexoflastline+1) {
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
} else if (checkindex(lines[x])>indexoflastline+1) {
html += "<ul>";
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
indexoflastline += 1;
} else if (checkindex(lines[x])<indexoflastline+1){
html += "</ul>".repeat(indexoflastline+1-checkindex(lines[x]));
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
indexoflastline = indexoflastline-checkindex(lines[x]);
// indexoflastline = -1;
} else if (snippets[i].main==snippets[i-1].main){
// index of snippet from previous snippet
lines = snippets[i-1].subinformation.split('n').clean('');
indexoflastline = checkindex(lines[lines.length-1]);
indexoflastline = -1;
indexoflastline = checkindex(lines[lines.length-1])+1 ? checkindex(lines[lines.length-1]) : -1;
lines = snippets[i].subinformation.split('n').clean('');
for(var x = 0; x < lines.length; x++){
if(indexoflastline==-1) {
html += "<ul>";
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
indexoflastline = 0;
} else if(checkindex(lines[x])==indexoflastline) {
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
} else if (checkindex(lines[x])>indexoflastline) {
html += "<ul>";
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
indexoflastline += 1;
} else if (checkindex(lines[x])<indexoflastline){
html += "</ul>".repeat(indexoflastline-checkindex(lines[x]));
html += "<li>";
html += format(lines[x]);
html += "</li>";
indexoflastline -= indexoflastline-checkindex(lines[x]);
if(x==lines.length-1 && i < snippets.length-1) {
if (snippets[i].main == snippets[i+1].main){
indexoflastline = checkindex(lines[x]);
} else if (x==lines.length-1) {
html += "</ul>".repeat(indexoflastline+1);
indexoflastline = -1;
} else if (snippets[i].main == snippets[i+1].main) {
if(x==lines.length-1 && i < snippets.length-1) {
indexoflastline = checkindex(lines[x]);
if (x==lines.length-1) {
html += "</ul>".repeat(indexoflastline+1);
indexoflastline = -1;
if(i == snippets.length-1){
for(var z = indexoflastline; z > 0; z--)
html +="</ul>";
html += "</ul>"
html += "</br>".repeat(2);
return Categories.findOne( { _id: categoryid } );
.then(function(category) {
back = `/flashcards/${category.parent}`;
return userCategories.findOne( { category: categoryid, user: user } );
.then(function(userCategory) {
res.render('user/flashcards/module', {
moduleid: moduleid,
moduletitle: moduletitle,
back: back,
htmlstring: html,
admin: req.session.admin,
categoryid: categoryid
return true;
return console.log(err);
Can you please elaborate on this?
– badinvestor
Jun 30 at 18:52
Looks like something other than String is passed to
.– Roamer-1888
Jun 30 at 19:13
If you are referring to the TypeError, I think this is because I set
line = convert(line)
in the format()
function where I would expect a string however I get a pending promise... the code works otherwise in situations where I do not have to use mathjax.– badinvestor
Jun 30 at 19:21
line = convert(line)
is called exactly?– Federkun
Jun 30 at 19:33
2 Answers
You're mixing promises and await
. Don't to that. You can't understand your own code. Here is your bug:
line = convert(line).then( function(result) {
return result;
console.log(line); // This is called before convert() finishes, of course it's a pending promise.
Either use =
with await
, or use a promise and use the return value in the then
line = await convert(line);
To do
line = await convert(line);
, the OP will also have to make the containing function async
.– jfriend00
Jul 2 at 5:32
line = await convert(line);
Instead of the mixing await
and Promise, try it like this. Is the debug line printed correctly?
let data = await MJ(math);
console.log("MJ is ready: ${data}");
return line.replace(match, data.html);
No significant change in output:
Promise { <pending> }
if i insert console,log(line)
after I call convert()
. I have included my console output above.– badinvestor
Jun 30 at 18:52
Promise { <pending> }
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Not sure, but I think that or you use "then" or you use await
– Elias Soares
Jun 30 at 18:18