Getting a script to fetch Facebook video links on android browsers

Getting a script to fetch Facebook video links on android browsers

These coding for Facebook links are fetching errors on android browsers only. What might be missing in coding?

Below is a text form of PHP and json file for the script

* {lib_name; facebook}

* Description of Facebook
* @hadit


class Facebook

function getMediaInfo($url)
$data = array();
$data['found'] = 0;
$urlParts = parse_url($url);

$pathArr = explode("/", rtrim($urlParts['path'], "/"));

$context = [
'http' => [
'method' => 'GET',
'header' => "User-Agent: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],

$context = stream_context_create($context);

if($urlParts['host'] == ''){
$url = str_replace('mobile.facebook', 'web.facebook', $url);

if($urlParts['host'] == ''){
$url = str_replace('m.facebook', 'web.facebook', $url);

if($urlParts['host'] == ''){
$url = str_replace('www.facebook', 'web.facebook', $url);


$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

if ($result)
$videoSDlink = getStringBetween($result, 'sd_src_no_ratelimit:"', '"');
$videoHDlink = getStringBetween($result, 'hd_src_no_ratelimit:"', '"');
$videoHDlink = getStringBetween($result, 'hd_src:"', '"');


if ($videoSDlink)

$data['found'] = 1;
$data['id'] = $id;
$links = array();

$links['SD'] = $videoSDlink;
if (!empty($videoHDlink))
$links['HD'] = $videoHDlink;
$ti = getStringBetween($result, 'h2 class="uiHeaderTitle"', '</h2>');
if ($ti)
$title = $ti;
} else

$title = getStringBetween($result, 'title id="pageTitle">', '</title>');

$description = getStringBetween($result, '<meta property="og:description" content="', '"/>');
$image = html_entity_decode(getStringBetween($result, '<meta property="og:image" content="', '" /><meta property="og:url" content="'));
$data['title'] = $title;
$data['image'] = $image;

if (!empty($description))
$data['description'] = htmlentities(truncate(trim(preg_replace('/[s]+/', ' ', preg_replace("/r|n/", " ", $description))), 250), ENT_QUOTES);
} else
$data['description'] = "Download " . $title . " From Facebook";

$formatCodes = array(
"SD" => array("order" => "1", "height" => "{{height}}", "ext" => "mp4", "resolution" => "SD", "video" => "true", "video_only" => "false"),
"HD" => array("order" => "2", "height" => "{{height}}", "ext" => "mp4", "resolution" => "HD", "video" => "true", "video_only" => "false")
$videos = array();
foreach ($formatCodes as $formatId => $formatData)
if (isset($links[$formatId]))
$link = array();
$link['data'] = $formatData;
$link['formatId'] = $formatId;
$link['order'] = $formatData['order'];
$link['url'] = $links[$formatId];
$link['title'] = $title . "." . $formatData['ext'];
$link['size'] = "unknown";
array_push($videos, $link);
$data['videos'] = $videos;

return $data;


json FILE:

{"order": "1", "icon": "facebook.png", "status": "1", "linkCacheTime": "3600"}

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