How do I open the “Share Menu” preferences on OSX?
How do I open the “Share Menu” preferences on OSX?
Much like Safari, trying to implement a button that when clicked opens the preferences on the extensions -> share menu page as shown @
I have
NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:URL];
However it seems like that is not working on newer versions, any ideas?
1 Answer
You can use Scripting Bridge to do something like this:
SBSystemPreferencesApplication *systemPrefs =
[SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
[systemPrefs activate];
SBElementArray *panes = [systemPrefs panes];
SBSystemPreferencesPane *notificationsPane = nil;
for (SBSystemPreferencesPane *pane in panes) {
if ([[pane id] isEqualToString:@""]) {
notificationsPane = pane;
[systemPrefs setCurrentPane:notificationsPane];
SBElementArray *anchors = [notificationsPane anchors];
for (SBSystemPreferencesAnchor *anchor in anchors) {
if ([ isEqualToString:@"Extensions"]) {
[anchor reveal];
Of course you need to add the ScriptingBridge framework to your project and a Scripting Bridge header file for system preferences. More details on how to use Scripting Bridge you can find in the developer documentation from Apple.
Hope this helps
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