Checkout Git project in Android Studio causes “project does not use Gradle”

Checkout Git project in Android Studio causes “project does not use Gradle”

Previously I had a project, used Gradle as build system and Git as VCS and only added src/, res/, assets/ and manifest.xml to the repository. (As it is recommended I ignored all build files). Now I use android-studio-3.1.2 and tried to import that project:








Checkout project from Version Control → Git → clone

Then selected yes for Would you like to create an Android Studio project for the sources you have checked out to … ?


Would you like to create an Android Studio project for the sources you have checked out to … ?

create project from existing source → select project name, location and type (.idea) → …

But I ended by this warning:

Migrate Project to Gradle?
This project does not use the Gradle build system. We recommend that you migrate to using the Gradle build system.

What causes this problem and how I can solve that?

1 Answer

Problem is caused by ignoring build.gradle files (in project and it's modules) and settings.gradle.



Also I did not find any way to solve that automatically by Android Studio. I have to create a project from scratch and move my files to that.

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