query from multi table show in tableview

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

query from multi table show in tableview

I Have 16 tables with difference columns and some common data. And I wanna to show these Common data in one Table in view. Now I use Entity Framework to query from these 16 tables and Use 16 Foreach to put theme in a Common List<Common_ViewModel> and after all send this List to my view : return view(List);


But My database is big and process take more time.

what is the best Idea with multi table query and show common data of tables in one table in View ?

Have you tried to create a view, with joins, then update your edmx to mapp the view and the use it, or use stored procedure
– Mohammad Ali
Jul 1 at 9:22

If you are using a SQL Sever it is probably quicker to use a stored procedure to create the view.
– jdweng
Jul 1 at 9:27

@MohammadAli No I don't wanna use Stored procedure and don't know about edmx.
– Ali SH elcid
Jul 1 at 9:29

No stored procedure, no view then good luck, please when you find the answer for your question please mention me and tell me the answer
– Mohammad Ali
Jul 1 at 9:31

@jdweng how to use Stored Procedure to query from multi table and put common data in one variable ? this is Important.
– Ali SH elcid
Jul 1 at 9:31

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