Sql Triggers-Implementation Issue

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Sql Triggers-Implementation Issue

Hi guys i am making 2 tables for implementing triggers--

create table emp(id int primary key identity(1,1),
name char(40),
salary varchar(50),
gender char(40),
departmentid int);

insert into emp(name,salary,gender,departmentid) values ('jimmi',4800,'Male',4);

create table emp_audit
id int primary key identity(1,1),
audit varchar(60)
alter trigger trigger_em_update on emp for update
as begin
Declare @Id int
Declare @oldname char(40),@newname char(40)
Declare @oldsal int,@newsal int
Declare @oldgen char(40),@newgen char(40)
Declare @olddeptid int,@newdeptid int

Declare @auditstring nvarchar(max)

--select * from deleted;

select * into #temptable from inserted;

while(Exists(select id from #temptable)) --boolean condition if there are rows are not
set @auditstring =''

--if there are many rows we still select the first one

select Top 1 @Id =id,@newname=name,@newgen=gender,@newsal=salary,@newdeptid=departmentid
from #temptable;

select Top 1 @Id =id,@oldname=name,@oldgen=gender,@oldsal=salary,@olddeptid=departmentid
from deleted where @Id=id;

set @auditstring=' Employee with id= '+CAST(@Id as varchar(20))+ ' changed '
set @auditstring=@auditstring + 'name from '+ @oldname +' to' +@newname

set @auditstring=@auditstring + ' salary from '+ @oldsal +' to ' +@newsal

set @auditstring=@auditstring + ' gender from ' + @oldgen + ' to ' + @newgen

-- if(@olddeptid<>@newdeptid)
--set @auditstring=@auditstring + ' departmentid from ' + cast(@olddeptid as nvarchar(5))+' to '

insert into emp_audit values(@auditstring)

delete from #temptable where id=@Id

when i use update query
update emp set name='vishi',gender='male',salary='4000',departmentid=3 where id=3;

It gives an error

"Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value ' Employee with id= 3 changed name from james tovishi salary from ' to data type int.
i don't know how to solve this..can you solve this..

Do any of the columns being logged allow NULLs?
Jul 1 at 13:52

In emp you declare salary varchar(50), but in the trigger Declare @oldsal int,@newsal int. You ought to decide on a single datatype. Adding quotes around values makes interpreting the audit easier, e.g. from 'Foo ' to 'Foo'. As mentioned here: "Logging triggers should always be set to fire last. Otherwise, a subsequent trigger may rollback the original transaction, but the log table will have already been updated. This is a confusing state of affairs."
Jul 1 at 15:44


salary varchar(50)

Declare @oldsal int,@newsal int

from 'Foo ' to 'Foo'

3 Answers

The problem is in line:

set @auditstring=@auditstring + ' salary from '+ @oldsal +' to ' +@newsal

Should be:

set @auditstring=@auditstring+ ' salary from '+CAST(@oldsal AS NVARCHAR(100))
+' to ' +CAST(@newsal AS NVARCHAR(100))

A couple of thoughts:




set @auditstring=@auditstring +....

set @auditstring += ...





Thanks Lukasz for giving me some tips regarding this.Once i do update in my trigger if problem occurs i will ask again.
– Avish
Jul 1 at 10:06

All good thoughts. This can be done with a set-based operation by joining the inserted and deleted virtual tables on Id, using CASE expressions to detect changed values, and using FOR XML to build the audit string.
– Dan Guzman
Jul 1 at 10:09






alter trigger trigger_em_update on emp for update
as begin
Declare @Id int
Declare @oldname varchar(40),@newname varchar(40)
Declare @oldsal int,@newsal int
Declare @oldgen varchar(40),@newgen varchar(40)
Declare @olddeptid int,@newdeptid int

Declare @auditstring nvarchar(max)

--select * from deleted;

select * into #temptable from inserted;

while(Exists(select id from #temptable)) --boolean condition if there are rows are not
set @auditstring =''

--if there are many rows we still select the first one

select Top 1 @Id =id,@newname=name,@newgen=gender,@newsal=salary,@newdeptid=departmentid
from #temptable;

select Top 1 @Id =id,@oldname=name,@oldgen=gender,@oldsal=salary,@olddeptid=departmentid
from deleted where @Id=id;

set @auditstring=' Employee with id= '+CAST(@Id as varchar(20))+ ' changed '
set @auditstring+= 'name from '+ @oldname +' to' +@newname

set @auditstring+= 'salary from ' +CAST(@oldsal AS NVARCHAR(100)) + ' to ' +CAST(@newsal AS NVARCHAR(100))

set @auditstring+= 'gender from ' + @oldgen + ' to ' + @newgen

set @auditstring+= 'departmentid from ' + cast(@olddeptid as nvarchar(5))+' to'+cast(@newdeptid as nvarchar(5))

insert into emp_audit values(@auditstring)

delete from #temptable where id=@Id


when i execute this it gives an error"String or binary data would be truncated" where i did a mistake i don't know please refer the attached screenshot enter image description here

The problem is that one of the columns used with + is a number, probably salary. But your trigger is way too complicated.


SQL is a set-based language. So use the sets when you can:

alter trigger trigger_em_update on emp for update
insert into emp_audit (auditstring) -- guessing the name
select ('Employee with id k= ' + CAST(@Id as varchar(20))+ ' changed ' +
(case when @oldname <> @newname
then 'name from '+ @oldname +' to ' + @newname + ' '
else ''
end) +
(case when @oldsal <> @oldsal
then 'salary from '+ convert(varchar(255), @oldsal) +' to ' + concvert(varchar(255), @newsal) + ' '
else ''
end) +
(case when @oldgen <> @newgen
then 'gender from '+ convert(varchar(255), @oldgen) +' to ' + concvert(varchar(255), @newgen) + ' '
else ''
end) +
(case when @olddeptid <> @newdeptid
then 'departmentid from '+ convert(varchar(255), @olddeptid) +' to ' + concvert(varchar(255), @newdeptid) + ' '
else ''
) as auditstring
from inserted i join
deleted d
on i.id = d.id;

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