Inverted index of sets [on hold]

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Inverted index of sets [on hold]

I have four sets:

A = {0, 2, 4, 9}
B = {2, 6, 9}
C = {0, 4}
D = {1, 4, 6}

How to determine the inverted index of the sets?

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What is the inverted index of a set?
– ducminh
Jul 1 at 6:35

What do you mean?
– RedEyed
Jul 1 at 6:35

Whats the desired output?
– U9-Forward
Jul 1 at 6:35

Please provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
– U9-Forward
Jul 1 at 6:38

I'm not handling this topic so I cannot tell you what exactly it is. I've heard about inverted index on sets and I was wondering how is that possible and how to compute it. Maybe you can help me understand. There aren't resources on the Internet that can explain so I can understand.
– user2944279

1 Answer

You can't, python sets are unordered collections of unique objects, and do not support indexing.
More info here, and here

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