Unit test coverage using dotCover command line tool(JetBrains) - Is it possible to run this tool with x64 dll tests?

Multi tool use
Unit test coverage using dotCover command line tool(JetBrains) - Is it possible to run this tool with x64 dll tests?
I am using dotCover command line tool(JetBrains) https://www.jetbrains.com/dotcover/download/#section=commandline
I was reading this documentation
I have a logic dll - x64 compiled.
I have a tests dll (AppTests Test project) -x64 compiled
I was creating coverage.xml on my solution Items folder with the parameters below
<TargetExecutable>C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio12.0Common7IDEMSTest.exe</TargetExecutable>
From the cmd I am typing "dotcover analyse coverage.xml"
I am getting the flowing Error:
"If you build your test project assembly as a 64 bit assembly, it cannot be loaded. When you build your test project assembly, select "Any CPU" for the platform. To run your tests in 64 bit mode on a 64 bit processor, you must change your test settings in the Hosts tab to run your tests in a 32 bit process"
I can't build my logic.dll and AppTests.dll to "any cpu".
I read this post:
How do I get unit tests to run on a x64 platform
But in my case, I am running the tests from dot cover command line tool and not from the visual studio UI.
What can I do? Is there any other option?
1 Answer
I was getting answer from Resharper support and it solve my issue, so I am sharing it.
<TargetExecutable>C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7IDECommonExtensionsMicrosoftTestWindowvstest.console.exe</TargetExecutable>
<TargetArguments>D:ProjectsTheApplicationbinDebugAppTests.dll /Settings:"<your path>runsetting.xml"</TargetArguments>
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