- Socket splitting into rooms [on hold]

Multi tool use
Multi tool use - Socket splitting into rooms [on hold]

I'm trying to create a multiplayer game that creates new rooms for each two sockets that connect. How would I go about doing this? Can someone please provide an example?

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Possible duplicate of Creating Rooms in
– corn3lius
Mar 30 '17 at 17:04

1 Answer

As a starting point you can use the following example

const io = require('')()

/* room to join next connected socket */
let prevRoom = null

io.on('connection', socket => {
let room

if (prevRoom == null) {
/* create new room if there is no room with one player */
room = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2)
prevRoom = room
} else {
/* join existing room with one player and mark that it is now complete */
room = prevRoom
prevRoom = null


/* send message from one socket in this room to another */
socket.on('message', data => {'message', data)


The problem with this example is that in case one player from a room leaves the game, another will remain alone until he or she refreshes the page. Depending on the application you may need to add some logic here.

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