Notification Option in Firebase Assitance is not showing

Multi tool use
Notification Option in Firebase Assitance is not showing
The Notification Option in Firebase Assitance is not showing. I search a lot but i did not find solution. if You know please help I am beginner
@RyanNerd The Firebase Assistant is a GUI add-on to Android Studio. In this case the screenshots seem the only way to show that OP is looking for.
– Frank van Puffelen
Jul 1 at 14:28
@Farooq: To be able receive notifications in your app, just add the Cloud Messaging library. To do more advanced things, see the links in SHRAIYSH's answer below.
– Frank van Puffelen
Jul 1 at 14:30
Thanks for Your Help. But i only want to show an option of Notification in firebase assistance Like other Admob, Invites, Storage and etc.. But now I find the solution without it....Thanks
– Farooq Ahmad
Jul 1 at 16:57
1 Answer
Notifications in Firebase are handled with Firebase Cloud Messaging. Refer docs. Also, as an example, refer this code
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Typically screen shots of code are not helpful. Please post the code and configuration you have so far as TEXT.
– RyanNerd
Jul 1 at 7:14