Vue.js router-link doesn't work on firefox

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Vue.js router-link doesn't work on firefox

I have this button component:

<button :class="classes" v-on="$listeners" v-bind="$attrs">
<template v-if="to">
<router-link :to="to" class="flex center-v">
<AqIcon :icon="icon" v-if="icon" />

<template v-else>
<AqIcon :icon="icon" v-if="icon" />


It can accepts a :to prop and in that case I use a router-link instead of just text.


When I use it like this:

<AqButton primary icon="plus" :to="{name:'editUser',params:{id:'new'}}">
Add User

On chrome it works fine, but on FF the url changes but it stays on the same page.

1 Answer

So apparently, it doesn't work of you nest the router link under a button element.

So i changed my component to look like this:

<router-link v-if="to" :to="to" :class="classes" v-on="$listeners" v-bind="$attrs">
<AqIcon :icon="icon" v-if="icon" />

<button v-else :class="classes" v-on="$listeners" v-bind="$attrs">
<AqIcon :icon="icon" v-if="icon" />


And now it works.

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