python count /sum records accross row with multiple condition [on hold]

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

python count /sum records accross row with multiple condition [on hold]

I current have a table which A,B,C represents product values while AA,BB,CC represents product type

10 20 0 1 2 0
5 0 15 1 2 3

i also have 2 arrays which are:

product =['A','B','C']
Product Value = ['AA','BB','CC']

My question is

1) To count/sum corresponding product type if its product value >0

product value >0

Product value Product Type(PT) count/sum same product if its value >0
------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------
A B C AA BB CC product_1 product_2 product_1_sum product_2_sum
10 20 0 1 1 0 2 0 30 0
5 0 15 0 2 2 0 2 0 15

for first record, product A and B have value > 0 and A and B are product_1 category, so for product_1 its value is 2 count(AA BB), and its sum is 30 (10+20)





thx, pls help

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

Pandas has excellant documentation
– wwii
Jul 1 at 2:01

Welcome to SO. Please take the time to read How to Ask and the other links found on that page.
– wwii
Jul 1 at 2:02

Sorry, I am a bit confused. How category1 and category2 are defined? category1 contains A and B and category2 C ? Or logic is somehing else?
– jezrael
Jul 1 at 4:44








1 Answer

Replicate your data

In [1]: values = [[10, 20, 0], [5, 0, 15]]
In [2]: types = [[1, 1, 0], [0, 2, 2]]

Possible types?

In [3]: possible_types = set.union(*[set(l) for l in types])
...: possible_types.discard(0)
...: possible_types = sorted(possible_types)

(the lines above see me indebted with this answer by vaultah, thank you!)

To have a nicely formatted output, we may want to count the input records

In [4]: from itertools import count

A loop over the records (rest d) and a first inner loop to count
items and sum values and a second inner loop, over possible_types,
to output the results



In [5]: for line_no, vs, ts in zip(count(1), values, types):
...: print('Line no. %2.2d:'%line_no, end='')
...: d = {}
...: for v, t in zip(vs, ts):
...: d[t] = d.get(t, [0,0])
...: d[t][0] += 1
...: d[t][1] += v
...: for t in possible_types:
...: count, summ = d.get(t, [0, 0])
...: print('tProd.type %d, %2d item(s), sum of values is %3d '%
...: (t, count, summ), end='')
...: print()
Line no. 01: Prod.type 1, 2 item(s), sum of values is 30 Prod.type 2, 0 item(s), sum of values is 0
Line no. 02: Prod.type 1, 0 item(s), sum of values is 0 Prod.type 2, 2 item(s), sum of values is 15
In [6]:

0nfnkFQFf0FGJtefy41N LLbWqUNE423snLwV8nUuecWizGL KDkBJWJanr VpH,xe14ipM,kdB LQ,oYXyrFmCtGryVgn9XW
nuac4jFL 3ayjl9tt6VYFn7Ljn,AW4f,ltCGtWZ,bd8n2,mL3 g,PgGOC4hwIdHwA2WpIdFXB 3k41B,Jxtjw6NPupd,yZCzBs3 afH3Q1L

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