Excel VBA editing comment if exists

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Excel VBA editing comment if exists

My code is checking if cell value from 2 sheets are different, if no it continue check for next row, if different it copy from sheet2 to sheet1 the cell value where I need and add to Cell in sheet1(where the value copied too) a comment with the old value.
every time when the value changed again it remove the comment and put new one.
I need to do a comment check if exist and append the old value to comment.
I want that the comment will contain all the old values that changed in the cell.

this is my piece of code:

If Not IsEmpty(datasheet.Cells(iData, j).Value) Then
comm = user & vbNewLine & "Old Date:" & vbNewLine & ActiveCell.Value
datasheet.Cells(iData, j).Copy Destination:=ActiveCell
With ActiveCell
ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
With ActiveCell.Borders
.LineStyle = xlContinuous 'Setting style of border line
.Weight = xlThin 'Setting weight of border line
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic 'Setting colour of border line
End With
If Not .Comment Is Nothing Then .Comment.Delete
.Comment.Text Text:=comm
.Comment.Visible = False
End With

not much code or context there.
Jun 28 at 20:17

ActiveCell? How do you get the active cell?
Jun 28 at 20:18


with .Find, on sheet2 running on all rows in a column and in sheet 1 I "Find" it, when it founded its the ActiveCell
– Ang3lStyl3X
Jul 1 at 3:45



Is there a question here? You have a code and I assume it works.
Jul 1 at 3:56

its works just for adding new comment all the time. I asked for editing comments if its exists
– Ang3lStyl3X
Jul 1 at 5:16

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