Cannot resolve this symbol for an Object

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Cannot resolve this symbol for an Object

On creating an object RadioGroup in OnCreate() , when later this object is called in another function it shows the error "cannot resolve this symbol"

Here is java code

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
RadioGroup group1 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
RadioGroup group2 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
RadioGroup group3 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
RadioGroup group4 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
RadioGroup group5 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
RadioGroup group6 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
RadioGroup group7 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
RadioGroup group8 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
RadioGroup group9 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
RadioGroup group10 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;

public void submitButton(View view)
int checkedRadio1= group1.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
Toast.makeText(this,"Score is : " + score,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
Log.v("MainActivity","Score is " + score);
score = 0;

2 Answers

The reason you are getting cannot resolve symbol is because you haven't declared your RadioGroup group1 at class level. Since you have declared and assigned in onCreate its scope is limited to onCreate() only. To access in other method make it as class member.

RadioGroup group1



Declare RadioGroup group1 as class member as follows:

RadioGroup group1

public class MainAcivity extends Activity{
private RadioGroup group1;
//Declare other RadioGroup group2, 10. if you intend
//to access them outside of onCreate()
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
group1 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
public void submitButton(View view) {
int checkedRadio1= group1.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
Toast.makeText(this,"Score is : " + score,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Log.v("MainActivity","Score is " + score);
score = 0;

Same thing applies for any other RadioGroup, which you would like to access outside of onCreate().



You are also missing call to show() method while trying to display Toast. Without calling show(), Toast message won't be displayed.




Instead of

Toast.makeText(this,"Score is : " + score,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

Toast.makeText(this,"Score is : " + score,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)


Toast.makeText(this,"Score is : " + score,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Toast.makeText(this,"Score is : " + score,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Thank you for giving that extra piece of advised I had totaly forgot about show() and hence I was using Log.v() to see the result , I kept wondering why its not working. Thanks
– Vedant Tripathi
Jun 30 at 14:43

@VedantTripathi no problem. Enjoy coding :-) Remember to mark answer as accepted if it was helpful
– Sagar
Jun 30 at 14:47

Declare Radio group button at class level. You are using veriable at function level so you can not use that variable out of the function.

private RadioGroup group1, group2, group3, group4, group5, group6, group7,group8,group9,group10;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
group1 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
group2 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
group3 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
group4 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
group5 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
group6 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
group7 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
group8 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
group9 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
group10 = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;

public void submitButton(View view)
int checkedRadio1= group1.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
Toast.makeText(this,"Score is : " + score,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
Log.v("MainActivity","Score is " + score);
score = 0;

Thanks, I am an Idiot after seeing the solution ,I went and wrote the code while I could've had just copied from you.
– Vedant Tripathi
Jun 30 at 16:36

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